Lab 1 - Using a transistor to control high current loads with an Arduino
Goal: control a high-current DC load (DC motor) from a microcontroller with a transistor that can control the flow of a high-current circuit from a low-current source.
Figure 1 - DC motor circuit with 2N2222A transistor and diode
I didn't have MOSFET, so I used 2N2222A (see Figure 1). It worked the same way! I wrote the code in Arduino to control the motor to spin the maximum speed and minimum speed (see Figure 2 and Video 1).
Figure 2
Video 1
Then, I added potentiometer to control the speed of the motor smoothly (Figure 3). The mapped values from the potentiometer (Video 2) range from 300 to 400. It was jittery and not behaving as it would from the code.
Video 2
Video 3
Lab 3 - Controlling a Stepper Motor With an H-Bridge
Goal: Stepper motors can be moved in small increments or steps, and have unipolar or bipolar. I will set up a unipolar stepper motor using an H-bridge.