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Week 2: Animated Drawing - Sunset & Moonrise

Writer: Jenny WangJenny Wang

For week 2 assignment, instead of thinking in shapes, I came up with the idea of sunset and moonrise from simple paintings. However, the struggle of creating that is a lot harder than drawing it. The idea was letting the sun follow the mouse to create a sunset scene, then the starts and moon show up once the sun disappears from the frame. I did a lot of extra research and studying in order to achieve this animation. It's still not perfect, but I'm happy with how it came out.

I got comfortable creating basic shapes like circle and triangle, though I find it hard to keep an organized code and make sense of the order of the functions. For example, see Figure 1 below, it's the correct the order of function mountain(), starts(), and moon(). When I change it up, it changes the how dynamic of the animation, and some shapes didn't show on the frame. I didn't understand the logic behind that because the if() statement is about the circle. When the circle disappears, all the other elements show up. So, the order of mountain, stars and moon shouldn't matter.

Figure 1

Also, during the process, I used a syntax that I haven't learned before, which is erase(). I wanted to create a result that the sun disappears and the stars and moon rises, but I couldn't figure out how to create that with the few functions I know. My friend, Lucas (ITP 1st year), helped me to get rid of the sun with erase().

I learned a lot from the process of trying what works and what doesn't with shapes, angels, and so on. For example, the code that moves a circle up and down is totally different from moving an arc up and down. I still haven't figured out the logic behind that. I have the most trouble understanding curve and arc, and how they are drawn based on points and angels, even after watching code train videos. I did successfully draw a curve (see Figure 2)! However, when I tried to color it from the curve line to the bottom of the frame, the color showed in 3 different areas. Then, I drew a quad (see Figure 2) and colored it, but part of the curve disappeared, which made it not look like a mountain. So, I drew triangles as mountains in the end.

Figure 2


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